Insights from Encore

Here is a collection of finance-related news and information we consider worth knowing.

The content included here is meant for general use only; it is not to be considered advice.

Who Needs Estate Planning?

Why it is so important and not just for the rich.  You have an estate. It doesn’t matter how limited (or unlimited) your means may be, and it doesn’t matter if you own a mansion or a motor home. Rich or poor, when you die, you leave behind an estate. For some, this...

What’s your most valuable asset?

Check out the video below to find out more. Video provided by MassMututal  DISCLOSURE Registered Representatives offer Securities through The O.N. Equity Sales Company, Member FINRA/SIPC, One Financial Way Cincinnati, Ohio 45242 513.794.6794. Investment...

What and When to Shred

According to the Federal Trade Commission, these recommendations will help you know what to keep and what to eliminate (click the image to zoom).

Our Mission

At Encore Financial Group, we are dedicated to helping members of our community achieve and maintain financial independence. We do this via a holistic approach to reducing risk, offering protection services and potential growth opportunities for our clients who love their family and are serious about their money.